The world on your shoulders

Building the right support

We all experience moments in our lives when we feel unable to cope. When it becomes overwhelming, talking to someone without being judged helps. With the right support, anything becomes possible.

Coping with Stress

Identifying stress triggers isn’t difficult so how best do you manage them?

Overcoming Anxiety

Coping with stress

Anxiety hangs around for the long haul so how best do you deal with it?

Living with Grief


Grief is a reality so how can you be happy again?


Other Ways I Can Help You

Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be used to effectively treat a wide range of fears and anxieties, negative thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviours.  Often the condition has an underlying stress or anxiety connection and treatment can be achieved rapidly in two or three sessions.  If the condition is not included below, do please get in touch to discuss it.


Overcoming Phobias

These are irrational fears and common ones include spiders, snakes, and insects as well as aversion to needles, heights, flying and small and/or dark spaces. Most phobias originate from childhood and often become hidden in our subconscious. Hypnotherapy enables access to those hidden memories to uncover the root cause of your phobia and overcome it.


Alleviating Panic Attacks

They are extremely intense, triggered by our subconscious and can happen suddenly. Both quality of life and our ability to function are dramatically affected. My approach to treatment uses Hypnotherapy to get to the root cause and overcome it.


Quit Smoking

People generally smoke because they are addicted to the substance they are inhaling e.g. nicotine. Hypnotherapy is effective and fast because it works on your subconscious to remove the desire to smoke or take drugs and in its place, create healthier lifestyle desires including exercise and good eating.


Addiction - Drinking

Alcohol intake can increase over time and drive us to binge drinking in situations where we feel stressed, lonely or anxious. Our desire to drink is driven by the subconscious and hypnotherapy is widely recognised as effective treatment by bringing about changes in behaviour and attitude to alcohol.


Rebuild Self Esteem

When self-esteem is healthy, we feel positive about life and ourselves. However self-esteem drops when we start doubting our ability and become self-critical and doubtful. Poor self-esteem often develops from events in childhood. Hypnotherapy enables these experiences to be identified and then overcome.


Boost Confidence

With confidence we can do almost anything! Lack of confidence creates feelings of nervousness that can undermine public speaking and making presentations as well as causing social anxiety. Counselling with Hypnotherapy restores confidence by challenging negative thought processes such as self-doubt and replacing them with positive ones.


Lessening Insomnia

The causes of insomnia are many and varied and lie within the subconscious. My approach uses counselling with hypnotherapy to identify the root cause and put corrective strategies in place to create a better and more sound night’s sleep.


Dealing with IBS

Strongly associated with stress and characterised by small and large bowel pain and discomfort.  Sufferers just want to relax but can’t.  Hypnotherapy involves progressive relaxation, suggestion and soothing imagery focussed on the symptoms to relieve abdominal cramping, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea and bloating. 


Relieving Pain

Pain is often made worse with stress and anxiety. Hypnotherapy provides a powerful way to relax and let go of pain-related thoughts, fears and anxieties. Use of visualisation techniques helps to reduce stress levels which reduces the nervous system’s reactiveness to pain.


Controlling Weight Loss

Whilst dieting seems the obvious way to reduce weight, the benefits are invariably short lived because the desire to eat the wrong foods doesn’t change. Hypnotherapy works at the subconscious level to reduce the intensity of the psychological triggers that attract you to the wrong types of food and/or make you overeat.


 Not sure how you need support? 

Arrange a 30-minute free consultation and guidance on the best programme of mental health and wellbeing support for you. 


Contact Me

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